Friday, November 2, 2007

Why censorship?

Like a lot of other people I wonder about this censorship. I also notice that the censorship consistently favors the current Administration by suppressing information that might be damaging to them. Why would they do this?

I think part of the answer can be found in the control that the Federal government can exert over the business of the media through the FCC. I also know that war and conflict are good for the business of big media. After all, wasn't it the first Gulf War that really put CNN on the map? Now in the era of embedded reporters it seems like the media has to kiss the ass of the politicians to get access to the "official reports" that they rely on so heavily. In essence I feel that if the big media companies don't play ball with the government, particularly the Administration, they can be squeezed from multiple angles and the viability of their business put in jeopardy.

An interesting case in this regard is the telecommunications company Qwest. Their former CEO claims that Qwest was passed over for lucrative federal contracts because they would not play ball on warrantless wiretapping

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