Friday, November 16, 2007

Who am I?

When I was much younger, maybe 12 or 13 years old I got very, very sick with mononucleosis. Unfortunately I did not even get it from a girl. My glands swelled up so bad it was really painful even to swallow. As a consequence I became severely dehydrated. At the same time I was feverish and sick to my stomach. I remember sleeping for long stretches and waking up completely disoriented, hardly remembering where I was or how long I had been sleeping.

Once I woke up from just such a period of "rest" and dragged myself into the bathroom. When I looked in the mirror I had one of the strangest feelings I have ever experienced. I saw my reflection and did not recognize it as me. I know I must have looked terrible by that point but this was something completely different. The reflection in the mirror was not me! The feeling was so unusual that I remember it to this day.

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