Monday, November 5, 2007

Joss Whedon returns to TV!

Yes, you read it right. The creator of Buff, Angel, and Firefly is returning with a new TV series. You can read all about it here.

I have to admit that I was not a fan of Buffy or Angel. The writing was fun but the "camp" factor was a bit too much for me. Of course compared to all of the other stuff on TV . .. I digress.

I really enjoyed the movie Serenity. It was my first exposure to his work. Later I sat down with my wife and watched the entire run of the TV series Firefly, on which Serenity is based. What can I say, the show was great! The characters had a texture and their relationships felt genuine. It also had a great sense of humor, and the Jaynestown (or is it Jaynesville?) episode is an all time classic.

I remember when it first came out on TV. At the time I thought that the "space western" thing was a bit too cheesy for my tastes. It was my loss. Firefly is a classic. Only beware, if you go out and rent it be prepared for a few days of grieving because when you are finished watching it, it's over.

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