Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Who is Jed McKenna?

I don't know for certain but my best bet is that Jed McKenna is another name for the teacher known as Adyashanti. Either that or Jed McKenna is Adyashanti's evil twin brother. Anyway even though the works of Jed McKenna are fictional the similarities in their teachings, their realizations, and their lives are difficult to miss. I highly recommend both teachers. The great thing about Adya is that even if he is not Jed McKenna he sure fills in a lot of the blanks. Here is a taste of Adya:


Anonymous said...

I completely agree with EVERYTHING you say here.

Anonymous said...

I don't think Jed McKenna is this person you are pointing to. Adyashanti's writing style on his website does not match Jed McKenna's and Jed McKenna mocked religious culture and things such as "satsangs" and charging fees and guruism in his Spiritual Warfare book.

Anonymous said...

Adyashanti offers what Jed McKenna is calling as "heart-crap" my dear....

dt71 said...

No, I don't think so. This guy is kinda weedy and nervous, Jed (or at least the character in the books) doesn't come across like that. Check out http://www.learnoutloud.com/Resources/Authors-and-Narrators/Jed-McKenna/7774 for a (possible) pic of Jed McKenna.

Anonymous said...

Jed would laugh at me for defending his honor, so I will not. You obviously didn't get it. That's not a bad thing. It just is. The question is who are you, and who is asking. Start there.

Flanagan said...

I've also had this suspicion...Adya speaks highly of the Jed books, and there are definitely parallels. The teachings are essentially the same, although Jed seems to advocate a kind of "using the mind to conquer the mind" which Adya might (MIGHT) take issue with.

I'd say, though, that those who are frustrated with not having an in-the-flesh person to confront with questions raised from reading the Jed books should go to an Adya satsang sometime. He's the real deal, IMHO.

Adam Walton said...

You state in the beginging post Mckenna's works are fictional. What is this statement based from? Do you know this for a fact? What is your source?

Thank You

Anonymous said...

my guess now is that "jed" is the dream of a dream character influenced by the teachings of the late richard rose. not that it matters in the least. the books stand on their own as profound wisdom interspersed with clunky fiction. thus the general feeling that "jed" is not truly a wakened being. my guess is "jed" is just not a great writer of fiction and character development. the wisdom behind it is, though, great and awake.

mlmexpert said...

I always amazes me how caterpillars try to pretend to themselves to be butterflies and don't seem to recognize a true butterfly. And that true butterfly doesn't care one iota.

Anonymous said...

Why is it that important to know who this Jed McKenna is; it is more wiseful to look at what he is pointing; it's like the famous finger pointing at the moon: instead of looking to what the finger is pointing at, we want to know more about the finger. Forget the finger and look at what it is pointing at!

Adam Walton said...

OK, so this crowd is good at using the material in the 3 books to slap around questioners McKenna style. That's great, you have become the abiding sheep the book demonizes. Try for some authenticity.

It is important to know if the author is a fictional character or not because we are talking about changing lives here. We are talking about people looking for an answer to a live's path of searching and then actually committing a life to those ideals. Did "McKenna" do it or is this theology wrapped in fiction? That's the difference gentlemen.

The story of Columbus is much more compelling when you believe the man actually set sail on a word conventionally know to be flat rather than believing the tail to be fiction.

After you arrive and park your car on the overlook known as "Non-Duality" and see the big picture below you cant stay there. You can certainly change your perspective on your role and nature in the game but you still live in this world and are a player. And yes, you can live McKenna style and do whats "indicated." But did he do it or is this fantasy? Did Lisa make it with her kids or did she compromise and go back?

I agree these are engaging and compelling books with value but can your averange middle aged adult with 2.5 kids make it without walking out on life? Is true Enlightenment only for those with the good fortune to have been conscious enough at an early age before engaging in life and getting tangeled?

Come on Jack, are you really living this fully or are you a weekend mechanic? Do you have a life or are you a jet setter like JM?

Tommy Tiger said...

"The world is built on fiction and lies".Ron Hubbard scientology "The truth told is a lie" werner erhard est.Jed Mckeena is the real deal and this guy ain't Jed Mckenna thanks for the memories but jed mckenna wrote about me and me is fictional

thanks for the memories

Unknown said...


The BIG I AM said...

Jed is definitely driving the Enlightenment bus but I've missed my stop....again!

The BIG I AM said...

Can anyone recommend any similar books to Jed's on awakening? Preferably with a method rather than the 'You don't need to do anything cos you are already it' mentality. Which is no doubt obvious if enlightenment has already happened to (you) Yes I appreciate its a paradox and thats the point but i'm trying not to kid myself. Ok go ahead stone me to death you enlightenment purists then pause to consider why exactly you need to advise me and who are you really advising ( but advise me anyway - oh go on !) xx

Adam Walton said...

My advice...never stop challenging your beliefs. (i.e. "Further") Let them stand or fall as they may as you continue your search. Be of an open mind. Also an interesting DVD out giving several perspectives and perhaps ideas for continued research is called "LEAP" The Movie.

Anonymous said...

Re: The Big I Am - Try Adyashantis "The End of Your World...

Anonymous said...

IMHO, "Jed" is taken to a nihilistic negative dark extreme with a specific purpose in mind... To crack you open and let a process begin.

Not sure who made the tool, but it works pretty well.

Once you are done with the tool, you don't continue to carry it around.

laVida_es said...

Occupant : you have a similar feel and style as Jed M.

Anonymous said...

I was listening a CD set called spontaneous awakening, and adyashanti tells a lot of things that are almost literal from Jed's books. In an interview( last cd of the same set) he even mentioned that he did a process of writing, beginning with any question and going all the way down to strip all untruth from it (that sounds like spiritual autolysis)
Jed and Adya are the same, period.

Anonymous said...

So what if Jed McKenna is a fictional character. So am I. It's just a bunch of stories telling stories about other stories. Just think, you could be Maya's favorite character. Exciting!

Unknown said...

Jed McKenna, whoever he is, has written an amazing book.I am referring to the first.I suspected something was funny as I read about his remodeling project. How did he pay for it? Does this guy have a trust fund from his Daddy? Well I guess Siddhartha did.He was a prince. Privilege has a way of providing much leisure, time to think about stuff. Those of us who have to work for a living have a double indemnity. Even if this life is an illusion, a dream, the bills for rent, taxes ,and food seem very real.Jed appears to have a great affinity , and understanding of Zen,and the commercialization of the tradition. I would say he's a Zen guy.The overall assessment of western assimilation of the eastern concept of non dualism is quite accurate. The common identity conflict of most students involving enlightenment with divinity is on target. I have witnessed , on numerous occasions ,students grovelling at the feet of teachers, for whatever reason,who would know? The ancient technique of Prajna Eye or non dualistic view of the universe is not something newly invented.It is well documented It works for those who are interested ,and persevering. DT Suzuki is a great source for this and other understandings. Also my teacher Suzuki Roshi,Zen mind Beginners Mind. And if you want to delve into the first western teacher to probe into these depths,read anything by Alan Watts,a true scholar and a humble teacher. G

Unknown said...

I'd say Adyashanti is more like Jed's sweet-little sister. I prefer Jed's no-nonsense approach.

Anonymous said...

agreed. who cares? would it really change anything if this whole thing was just made up? the way i see it, all it comes down to is finding out what the hell is true, or real. for myself. the rest i care not about. characters in a dream

Unknown said...

Howdy all -

Let's not forget Jed says that the whole shebang is not for the masses - the only reason to strive for the full enlightenment package, is if you are UNABLE to accept NOT doing so. And in that case, his advice is priceless and comes with no added sugar or preservatives.

Let's also remember that the anonymity of Jed McKenna may reflect an intentional alter-ego ... in other words Adyashanti or someone else is trying things from one angle through the ego they were born with, and another angle through Jed.

And ... just because I don't know his birth name and face, doesn't make Jed one of the most authentic people I've met.

Anonymous said...

The Jed McKenna books had a huge impact on what I thought was my life. Plus I discovered the teachings of UG Krisnamurti through references in these books. I am fascinated by who I am/am not. I still argue with reality but catch it sooner most of the time. (as if it mattered)

Janet said...

Similarities in content of teachings don't add up to enough proof for me to make the assertion you make:-) I've known other teachers who have very similar ideas. The finger pointing at the moon comment already made makes sense to me.

"Jed's" methods are effective if you're ready for them. That's about the bottom line for me.

I have periodic bouts of curiosity about who he might be, but in the end it really doesn't matter.

Unknown said...

I have read all 3 books over and over. They are powerful but ladies and gentlemen it does matter that the person behind the Jed character actually exists or not. Wakeup! [[[slapp]]].

If you are stuck behind the "teachings" and in the "it does not matter if he is real or not" then YOU MAY BE IN DENILE OF THE TRUTH. I was.

If the person exists it validates the words if not they are no better then fiction. Pure entertainment. MAYBE YOU BEEN HAD BABY!

Oh don't get me wrong. I want this person to exist. I want it validated that a real person did achieve the state he describes. If he did maybe we can. If he does not exist then it is just a fiction character attaining a fictional state.

Can anyone prove the writer of Jed McKenna's books exists?



Has any one ever seen him? Who are these people that supposedly interviewed him?

I tried contacting all those people that are on Wisefool press that endorsed the books to answer simple questions about Jed. Either they did not respond, did not exist or gave vague murky answers about this "guy".

Think for yourself for sure!

Anonymous said...

Having spent many hours with Adya over the last five years or so and having read all of Jed's books, including the latest, I'm sure the two are not in the same body. I'm also sure they both experience abiding enlightenment. Their teaching is the same, and they both talk about the same requirement for ruthless self examination.

Anonymous said...

Doesn't matter who he is in reality, just buy his books. Someone who has taken old knowledge, wrapped it in new clothing and selling it as enlightening.

Buy my book, read it and you will be lightened (in your wallet).

"always amazes me how caterpillars try to pretend to themselves to be butterflies and don't seem to recognize a true butterfly. And that true butterfly doesn't care one iota."

Maybe butterflies don't care because they are not 'enlightened' and are not 'true' butterflies. If they were perhaps they would care about their brethren and origins. Their past makes them what they are today and will influence their future.

Anonymous said...

Adyashanti IS NOT Jed McKenna.

Could Ken Wilber be? A lot of similarities there.

John Mills said...

After listening to both Adya and Jed audio books over the last few years there's no question they're approach to teaching or pointing is very similar. Adya uses many stories, metaphors and personal anecdotes. I really like Adya and sense he is the real deal. I feel the Jed books really cut to the chase. It didn't matter to me whether they were real or not. Are the stories of Buddha, Christ or a modern day teacher real, fabricated or overly embellished? I personally don't think Buddha or Christ actually existed. Every moment of everyday is a fiction being played out fueled by stories layered on top of stories. It's as real or surreal as anybody intends it to be.

The people posting here shouting how important it is to "know for certain" (as if such a state exists) that Jed exists should simply ask the question "who needs to know". Perconceptions and judgements about "what is real" and what "makes something more real" need to be examined carefully. The need for a "validation of truth" (objective reality - OR) regarding Jed McKenna's existence is pandantic and juvenille in light of the fact that there is no such thing as OR only subjective experiential reality. I realize it’s not an easy model to understand or adopt if you’re currently enmeshed (and addicted) within the perspective of OR. But what the heck do I know? Not much hopefully...=-p

Is this "enlighenment stuff" only for the some and not others. Relatively speaking Yes. Absolutely speaking No.

I for one don't care whether JM is real, because Adya doesn't exist, the one's attached to "knowing" don't exist and of course "I" don't exist. As Adya so succinctly states "what is true without thought?"

Anonymous said...

Don't pay attention to the man behind the curtain.

Anonymous said...

Nihilism may be a train stop on the way to find out, what the hell is going on, but hardly the answer. Jed sounds quite attached to a concept of truth without asking what truth is. Epistimology and Linguistics could provide some insight in the nature of truth/knowledge. You exists - that's true, isnt'it? a table you can knock on, is truly there? And it's also true, that is true that there is more to a table than you can percive at any given moment. So there is the whole universe or whatever, just all, that includes all these parts and how can denying parts of those absolute truth help us to find the whole truth. We need to see there is more to things, not deny them. Well, thats my opĂ­nion. Since it was think provoking, thank you, Jed! See You in next life. :) ASGX

Anonymous said...

Hello. And Bye.