Friday, March 28, 2008

THE FAMILY (and more)


Well we've been hearing for awhile about Obama's pastor and all those nasty-nasty, verboten, things he said about Our Homeland the US of A. What you might not have been hearing about are Hilary Clinton's associations with the Christian power cult known as The Family. I just learned about this recently and find it very disturbing. I had no illusions that Hilary was anything more than a closet right winger but this article on her relationship with the Family disturbed me more than a little bit. Harper's magazine also did an exellent piece on The Family a couple of years back. You can find it here.

And then of course we have John McCain who it seems actively sought and received the support of the televangelist Jon Hagee. This is even scarier than the Family because he is one of the Christian types that wants to fulfill (his version of) Bible prophecy by kicking off World War III in the middle east. Unfortunately you can see him almost any time you want on TV.

Here's a taste of Hagee from last year's AIPAC conference:
I also read an interesting blog post on the emerging political philosophy of Pan-Eurasianism (aka Neo-Eurasianism). Think of it as the counter point to PNAC's Pax Americana. It seems that this philosophy may be informing the actions of Vladimir Putin and other Russian leaders.

Ideas have consequences.

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