Thursday, January 10, 2008

Some Thoughts on Politics from Robert Anton Wilson

From "The Illuminati Papers", a short piece entitled Dissociation of Ideas, 3:

"Marxists, and socialists generally, have a fine, piercing, brilliant vision of all the defects of the present Monopoly Capitalism.

There is no necessity for conservatives or libertarians to blind themselves to these defects which the Marxist so clearly sees. Such blindness may be popular with conservatives, and even with some libertarians, but there is no need for it. It is a habit of stupidity.

The conservatives, and the libertarians, have a fine, piercing, brilliant vision of the defects of totalitarian socialism, and of the diluted pseudo-democratic socialisms that are not quite totalitarian yet.

There is no need for radicals, or even for Marxists, to blind themselves to these defects that the conservative so clearly sees. Again, such blindness may be popular, but there is no need for it. Intelligence might be better than conformity to one's group.

Try to think of one or more alternatives to Monopoly Capitalism and State Socialism. While you're trying, endeavor not to concoct a blend of the two. Combining smallpox and chickenpox may not be the only, or the best, alternative to those diseases.

If you can't think of any alternatives, you might browse in some of the books where alternatives are suggested, e.g.: Progress and Poverty by Henry George; Economic Democracy by C.H. Douglas; The Natural Economic Order by Silvio Gesell; Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth by Buckminster Fuller; Individual Liberty by Benjamin Tucker; The Green Revolution by Peter Maurin."

This quote seems very appropriate and to the point given the root of some of today's political debates. I'll have to check out some of the books he recommends.

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