Monday, October 15, 2007

Some geopolitical context . . .

A couple of articles I found interesting today. The first gives some insight into what is really happening in Myanmar/Burma. Probably more useful information for understanding the context of this situation than everything else that has been written so far. You can read the article here.

After you read it maybe you should ask yourself why this all of the sudden became a REALLY hot news item, and why our government is so concerned about the dictatorship there.

The other article reports on the meetings between Bob Gates, Condoleeza Rice and Vladimir Putin in regards to the proposed missile defense shield in Eastern Europe. President Vlad is playing hardball but maybe if more of us understood what was really at stake we wouldn't be so surprised, or so susceptible to the propganda of our own homemade Pravdas.

Oh, by the way if you have no idea what the Shanghai Cooperation Organization is this might be a good time to eductate yourself.

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